Graffiti on Berlin Wall
By: LAKE 2002
This is a picture of some art that a person did on a piece of the remaining Berlin Wall. I thought this "graffiti" was pretty amazing because it showed some humor on this touchy subject in Germany's history. The painting shows people trying to climb and dig over the wall, so they can reach the safe side where there is chicken and cars waiting for them. I just really liked this art because it shows how things can change, this wall would've been a dead zone and not even touched before, and now it is painted on and the art mocks the former communist Germany which once ruled the lands of the walls

911 Memorial Art
Mikki Major
This is a painting by an artist named Mikki Major of the terrorist attacks on USA on September 11th 2001. I like this picture so much because it is simple, yet it gets to the point. It shows the destruction and chaos of the moments after the world trade centers collapsed, but it also shows the peace and eventual pride that USA gained after the attacks, in my opinion. The terrorist attacks that have been happening all around the world in the last 20 years, are down right frighting, and they have me worried about what our future beholds. I can't believe that people will go to these limits to get their point across to people, and I'm not looking forward to where they push the envelope of terrorism next. Scary stuff.

Moon Landing
Steve Penley
This painting by Mr Penley is a beautiful snapshot of the important memory in history when the United States landed on the moon. I thought this picture was really nice, and it also reminded me about the brutal fighting between the US and the Soviets in the race to the stars. Although there was no actual fighting between the Soviets and the US, the race to become the first at everything was pretty intense between the two countries. I think the cold war was actually good for the United State and the Soviets because it drove us to improve everything we had, and made us come up with new inventions that I don't think we would have normally found. This picture also made me sad because it reminded me that the space program is about to come to a close, which is a very sad moment in the history of the US.
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